ending #Massincarceration in Nevada and beyond.

The goal of the Vegas Freedom Fund is to raise money to post bail for people who are being forced to stay in jail simply because they cannot afford to post bail themselves.
Across the country we are seeing community bail funds being created to combat the effects of the cash bail system. Since May of 2017 over 14,000 people have donated to the National Bailout and helped bring nearly 200 people home to their families and communities, where they belong. We’ve been inspired by the successes of the National Bail Out, The Brooklyn Bail Fund, and many others to create our own community bail fund here in Nevada.
The goal of the Vegas Freedom Fund is to raise money to post bail for people who are being forced to stay in jail simply because they cannot afford to post bail themselves. This will be a long-term project which will have the potential to help many individuals and families.
Let’s make sure that our fellow community members have the support they need to continue to raise their children, keep their jobs, and not risk becoming institutionalized all because of lack of financial resources and our broken criminal justice system.
The Mass Liberation Project supports grassroots organizing to abolish the criminal legal system as we know it. We are a site of personal transformation, training, coaching and strategy for organizers who are directly impacted by the system.